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اطلب اختبارك
قم بزيارة العيادة أو
انشر النموذج الخاص بك
احصل على نتائجك
عبر الإنترنت أو عبر الهاتف ، لا
مطلوب إحالة الأطباء
حسب النوع
من الاختبار
احصل على نتائجك في نفس اليوم
حول اختباراتنا
يجب أن تكون العناية بصحتنا وعافيتنا أولوية على مدار السنة ، وليس فقط خلال الفترات الصعبة. من خلال مجموعتنا الواسعة من اختبارات العافية البسيطة والميسورة التكلفة ، أصبح هذا ممكنًا الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى هنا في The Test Clinic.
Private and Affordable Testing
Traditionally, private wellness tests have been regarded as expensive to purchase. At The Test Clinic, we believe that testing options should be open to everyone regardless of their social background. With our affordable pricing, we try to make our wellness screening easy and accessible to everybody, thus empowering individuals to take control of their well being.
No Hidden Costs
The price you see next to the wellness test is the price that you would pay—There are no taxes added or any additional /hidden fees.
May Help Assist Your Doctor
When you book a wellness test with us, you won’t have to wait long for an appointment. You also don’t have to go through having to justify any reason for the purpose of your test, and you don’t need a referral. Simply pay for the test and get your results in 1–3 business days. A wellness test may help your doctor in many ways including easing some of the strain on their patient waiting times and easing of their overall resources. The information provided in a wellness report may help them further towards reaching their diagnosis and thus offering you a better level of care..
Fast Results
The Test Clinic offers a turnaround time that is highly impressive. You will receive an easy to read and understandable wellness report, usually within 24 to 48 hours (subject to type of test). For some tests, results will be provided instantly. Your report will be emailed to you and a printed copy will also be sent to you, which you can share with your doctor if you so wish. The contents of your wellness report are fully confidential and not shared with anybody
No Insurance Necessary
As Bioenergetic testing methods are regarded as testing techniques within the field of complimentary medicine (rather than conventional medicine), we do not accept insurance as payment. By not involving insurance, our clients enjoy greater privacy, more affordable tests, and a much simpler testing experience. Testing without insurance also means that a doctor’s referral is not required.
Private, Confidential Testing
No Doctors referral is required to perform a wellness test. Any wellness test carried out with us is totally private and remains that way i.e.. your reports are not shared with anybody else such as your doctor, employer, school etc. In fact, we do not even require this information from you. Conversely, once you receive your results, if you wish to share this with your GP, you may do so.
Security & Confidentiality
Our customers can expect the utmost in privacy. When visiting our Clinic, no other visitors will know what kind of testing you will be receiving, and your results will be handled securely.
Results are available for you to access via your email and soon through your secure online account (coming soon). Although an appointment is preferred, we also offer a walk in service so in some cases, tests can be performed without an appointment (subject to our schedule on the day). Whether you have no appointment or want better pricing to receive your test results back faster, we can help.
Wellness Testing with a Difference
We are a health testing clinic with a difference. We use alternative, non evasive forms of testing, without the use of chemicals or radiation. By using a comprehensive range of testing methods including bioresonance, quantum physics, TCM meridian points, chakra analysis, blood analysis and conventional methods commonly used by the NHS, we are able to offer you a variety of wellness tests in an easy and affordable manner.
Offering High Quality Supplements
When it comes to nutrition, we can only guess at whether our bodies are deficient in any vitamins and minerals. Here at The Test Clinic, we offer you a solution and help you take the guesswork out of your nutrition with our range of expert tests.
We also offer a range of quality supplements, providing you with instant solutions into addressing your specific needs (without any obligation to buy). Once you have identified any specific vitamin / mineral deficiencies, customers can purchase the relevant supplements and start their journey towards optimum health … no wasting money on unnecessary supplements that your body doesn’t require. Educating our clients in relation to simple ways to enhance health is one of our key values.
مهمتنا هي إتاحة اختبارات آمنة وبديلة وبأسعار معقولة للجميع. لقد تبنينا الصحة الشاملة والأساليب التقليدية مع أحدث التقنيات الطبية لجعل اختبار العافية للقرن الحادي والعشرين عملية بسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام متاحة للجميع
وليس المقصود من محتويات تقارير اختبار لنا أن نستنتج أي تشخيص أو العلاج أو الشفاء من شروط محددة والأمراض. على الرغم من أن العديد من الأمراض يمكن أن تكون مرتبطة بنقص التغذية وعدم التحمل والتأثيرات المسببة للأمراض أو السامة ، فإن احتمالية وجود مثل هذه في تقريرك ليس بالضرورة مؤشراً على المرض نفسه. إذا كنت قلقًا بشأن صحتك ، فيرجى طلب المشورة من طبيبك العام أو المستشار الطبي. قد تساعد المعلومات الواردة في تقارير الاختبار الخاصة بنا على مزيد من التفكير في التحقيقات الرسمية بما يتماشى مع الممارسة الطبية الحالية.
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