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حول اختباراتنا

يجب أن تكون العناية بصحتنا وعافيتنا أولوية على مدار السنة ، وليس فقط خلال الفترات الصعبة. من خلال مجموعتنا الواسعة من اختبارات العافية البسيطة والميسورة التكلفة ، أصبح هذا ممكنًا الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى هنا في The Test Clinic.

Help Better Serve Your Business

The Test Clinic provides you with access to over 50 wellness tests in a safe, fast, affordable manner. With a wide variety of tests ranging from nutritional deficiency tests, immune system, hormonal balance, mens, womens and childrens health tests and much more, there is a test that may be of benefit to various people for various reasons.


Our vision is to make our wellness tests open and accessible to everyone, empowering people to take greater control of their well being. Since 2015, clients have been benefiting from our tests with results that have helped them in finding answers to their health problems. So whether you are a Practitioner, Employer, Educational Establishment, Community Organisation or other, now you can share part of our experience and help make a difference to people’s lives using the insights from our health tests.

For Health Practitioners

We welcome Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Beauticians, Cupping Clinics, Acupuncturists, Personal Fitness Trainers, Holistic Health Therapists and anybody else who has a passion for improving their clients well being. As a Health Practitioner, the service, advice and information you provide your clients is invaluable. At The Test Clinic, we recognise this, which is why we have created a program to add even more value to your practice.


Our Affiliate Network is designed to maximise the success of your service by giving you and your clients direct access to our tests, while compensating you for each referred client. By opening an Introducer Account with The Test Clinic, we are able to work together to provide insights into your client’s health in a timely and non-invasive manner.


Our detailed and individualised test results may allow you to begin your programs with vital information that may improve your overall service and set the stage for a successful client experience. For more information, contact us today

For Employers

Employee well being has never been more important. When your employees are absent through sickness, your business suffers … and none more so than small businesses. The Test Clinic Corporate Wellness programs allows businesses of all sizes to benefit from our tests offering affordable, accessible, comprehensive and proactive health tests for your employees.

Regular testing can be regarded as a valuable benefit for your employees and a considerate gesture by you. It’s smart for you and smart for business. Whether you are a small business with less than 10 employees or a larger corporate, we are happy to talk to you.

For Schools & Colleges

Our tests can provide parents and teachers with an objective approach to understanding children’s strengths and weaknesses. From private schools, nurseries, tuition centres to faith based learning centres, we can help.

For Community Organisations

For community organisations, support groups etc, our services can help to enhance your reputation towards benefitting the community. From regular vitamin deficiency testing to wellman / wellwoman tests, your members can have easier access to wellness / health testing at a lower cost.

مهمتنا هي إتاحة اختبارات آمنة وبديلة وبأسعار معقولة للجميع. لقد تبنينا الصحة الشاملة والأساليب التقليدية مع أحدث التقنيات الطبية لجعل اختبار العافية للقرن الحادي والعشرين عملية بسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام متاحة للجميع


وليس المقصود من محتويات تقارير اختبار لنا أن نستنتج أي تشخيص أو العلاج أو الشفاء من شروط محددة والأمراض. على الرغم من أن العديد من الأمراض يمكن أن تكون مرتبطة بنقص التغذية وعدم التحمل والتأثيرات المسببة للأمراض أو السامة ، فإن احتمالية وجود مثل هذه في تقريرك ليس بالضرورة مؤشراً على المرض نفسه. إذا كنت قلقًا بشأن صحتك ، فيرجى طلب المشورة من طبيبك العام أو المستشار الطبي. قد تساعد المعلومات الواردة في تقارير الاختبار الخاصة بنا على مزيد من التفكير في التحقيقات الرسمية بما يتماشى مع الممارسة الطبية الحالية.

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