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أكثر من 40 عنصرًا
يتضمن اختبار Well Woman مجموعة من العلامات التي يمكن أن تساعدك على تحديد مصدر مشاكلك. تتراوح هذه المؤشرات بين مستويات الفيتامينات والمعادن ودهون الكبد والكوليسترول وصحة الغدة الدرقية وغيرها الكثير. يمكن أن يمنحك هذا الاختبار نظرة عامة على مستويات صحتك والتي يمكنك من خلالها اتخاذ المزيد من الخطوات لتحسين صحتك.
الرنين الحيوي
تم اختبار 41 عنصرًا
النتائج في نفس اليوم
قم بزيارة عيادتنا
استخدم نظام الحجز عبر الإنترنت الخاص بنا لترتيب موعدك
Health & Wellness Screening Since 2015
Why Is This Test Important?
إذا كنت تعانين من أعراض مثل عدم انتظام الدورة الشهرية
إذا كنت تعاني من أعراض مثل زيادة الوزن
إذا كنت تعاني من أعراض مثل اضطراب الغدة الدرقية
طريقة سهلة ومريحة للتحقق من صحة الهرمونات
Who Should Consider This Test?
Our Well Man tests provide men of ages 18 and above with a thorough, general health check up, providing peace of mind and a rapid response. In addition to the Essential Test, the Well Mab Advanced Test will give you an insight into your hair, skin, liver fat levels, kidney status and more. This may give you a better indication of where symptoms (such as hair loss, dry skin, weight gain etc.) may be arising from. After receiving your results you can make more informed decisions about your health. You can make changes to your diet or increase your supplement intake according to what you need. You may also choose to inform your GP or health practitioner to further help with possible diagnoses. Take the first step to improving your well being by having a Well Man Test today.
What is Tested?
The Well Man Advanced Test includes testing the following markers:
Milk & Dairy ProductsMany people who have wheat and dairy intolerances suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea, psoriasis, etc. This test will tell you exactly which types of dairy your body cannot tolerate. £40.00
Wheat, Gluten & Grains"Common foods are made with wheat, including bread, pasta, cakes, pastries, cereals and some types of flour. Symptoms can appear immediately upon ingestion, but can sometimes take some to manifest. £30.00
Meats & PoultryMany people who think they might suffer from various types of meat allergies and intolerances. This test will cover different kinds of meat, such as, beef, lamb, buffalo, chicken, turkey, duck, pork, etc. £20.00
PollenThere are many types of pollen that trigger allergic symptoms, such as itchiness, swelling etc. This test includes different types of flowers, grass, shrubs, bushes and trees. £50.00
Fish & CrustaceansOur Fish Allergy Test covers a wide selection of fish and shellfish. For instance, we test for intolerances to salmon, tuna, haddock, prawns etc. £25.00
Fats & OilsFats and Oils are present in most if not all foods that we eat today. Due to it being such a staple ingredient in our cooking, it is useful to know which oils and fats your body can and cannot digest. £20.00
Nuts & SoyaNuts and Soya are the two most common types of food people have intolerances to. They are found in numerous products and widely available. This test is for those who believe they may suffer from an intolerance to nuts or soya. £20.00
VegetablesVegetables have the potential to cause an allergic reaction, however most people only suffer from an intolerance. Our test will look at a wide range of vegetables, including, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. £30.00
Herbs & SpicesHerbs and spices come from plants and therefore have the potential to be allergens. It is important you know which herbs and spices your body can digest without causing a reaction. £30.00
FruitsA wide variety of fruits have been reported to cause allergic reactions. This test will identify which fruits your body does and does not like. Including strawberries, bananas, melon, grapes etc. £40.00
Food ArtificialsFood additives are hidden ingredients that many dismiss as being potential allergens. This test will look for intolerances to preservatives, E-numbers, emulsifiers, food colouring and more. £30.00
Alcoholcommon signs of an intolerance to alcohol is a stuffy nose and skin flushing. It is common for people who have intolerances to alcohol to have allergies to grains and other ingredients in alcoholic beverages. £30.00
Should I be Vegan?Some people may have intolerances to all kinds of dairy and meat altogether, in which case the most suitable option for them would be to adopt a vegan diet so they can reach optimum health. £50.00
Environmental ToxinsSymptoms such as sneezing, skin flare ups, or breathing problems. You may not have a food intolerance but still suffer from some form of a reaction, this test will help clarify if the allergen is actually in the air. £30.00£30.00
Inhalation AllergiesInhalation allergies are the most common type of allergy. This is when a person breathes in an allergen from their surroundings and it causes an abnormal reaction. £40.00
AnimalsPet allergies occur when your body reacts to certain substances found on the animal. This test will help you identify which animals may actually be causing you more harm than good. £30.00
Fibers & Animal HairAnimal hair allergies affect the breathing and the skin, with symptoms such as itching, redness, conjunctivitis or hives. This test is great for people who have pets or work with animals. £30.00
Perfume ContentsPeople who suffer from skin conditions such as, sneezing, heat rashes, eczema, psoriasis, or dry skin are often sensitive to the chemicals in fragrances. £30.00
This screening is conducted through Bioresonance testing. It is NOT a blood test and does not require blood to be taken. For blood tests, please click here.
One of the markers included in this test is Liver Fat. The liver is a cleansing organ which is vital for ensuring that your body is flushing out toxins regularly. When the liver has high levels of fat, it cannot work as efficiently. This can result in the build up toxins and unnecessary weight gain; it is important to ensure that you regulate your diet to minimise the chances of fat building up. Another key marker we test for is Uric Acid which can provide an indication of your overall kidney & bladder health. If your Uric Acid levels are high, this can cause symptoms such as joint pain, inflammation etc. If you are concerned about your skin, this test also looks at your Collagen levels. Collagen is a key protein that may help improve skin elasticity, firmness and promote blood flow to the skin.
How to Prepare for the Test
Clinic Visit:
This test requires you to be on an empty stomach two hours prior to your appointment. Water is allowed. If you have a pacemaker you will not be able to take the test. If you are taking any medication it should not affect your test, however you should check with your GP or practitioner to ensure it is okay for you to take a test or fast. As this is a non invasive test, you will not be required to remove any clothing. However, you will need to remove any jewellery from your hands so that it does not disrupt the screening.
In order to take this test, you will need to give us a call to arrange an appointment at our clinic. You will receive your results on the day, both printed and emailed. You may show this report to your GP or health practitioner for further advice. You may also wish to take supplements to help improve your nutritional levels according to your results.
وليس المقصود من محتويات تقارير اختبار لنا أن نستنتج أي تشخيص أو العلاج أو الشفاء من شروط محددة والأمراض. على الرغم من أن العديد من الأمراض يمكن أن تكون مرتبطة بنقص التغذية وعدم التحمل والتأثيرات المسببة للأمراض أو السامة ، فإن احتمالية وجود مثل هذه في تقريرك ليس بالضرورة مؤشراً على المرض نفسه. إذا كنت قلقًا بشأن صحتك ، فيرجى طلب المشورة من طبيبك العام أو المستشار الطبي. قد تساعد المعلومات الواردة في تقارير الاختبار الخاصة بنا على مزيد من التفكير في التحقيقات الرسمية بما يتماشى مع الممارسة الطبية الحالية.